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  • 网络对羟苯基丙酮酸双氧化酶;对羟基苯基丙酮酸双氧化酶;高效产品开发;高效研发;对羟基苯基丙酮酸酯双氧化酶
  1. The second part tells the purpose of Z Corporation implementing HPPD and briefly describes the core ideas , framework and principles of HPPD .


  2. Using above methods based on the computational method of compressible flows and some other programming techniques , a parallel unsteady code named HPPD of three dimensions was developed on my own .


  3. This paper summarized the discovery of HPPD , a novel herbicide target , the development of HPPD inhibitors as herbicides , and the mode of action of the herbicides .


  4. In plants , homogentisate is the precursor of vitamin E and plastoquinones , therefore HPPD also plays a key role in the biosynthesis of this two kinds of substances .


  5. This text summarize the discovery , mechanism of action , structure and active , synthetic methods and application of the main new varieties on the inhibitors of 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase ( HPPD ) .


  6. ρ - hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase ( HPPD ) is an enzyme which needed in the second step of the tyrosine catabolic pathway . It catalyzes the formation of homogentisate from p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate .
