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  • abbr.硬拷贝重建设备(Hardcopy Reconstruction Unit);航向参考设备(Heading Reference Unit);高风险小队(High Risk Units)
  1. The land use and cover , soil and slope classification threshold is set to 0 % to analyze land use and cover change on runoff , and 3242 HRU is produced .


  2. The threshold of land use methods and soil properties defined respectively as 20 % and 10 % . 37 sub-basins is divided into 73 hydrological response units ( HRU ) .


  3. In this paper , to begin with the implementation of Lampson access matrix in HRU access matrix model , we describe the principles of capability security mechanism , and then explain how to build a capability-based system .


  4. The result obtained in this study show that Slope-length auto modified module could compensate somewhat for the deviation of calculating the slope-length of HRU when applying the SWAT model to the mountainous and hilly land watersheds .
