Habitable zone

美 [ˈhæbɪtəbl zoʊn]英 [ˈhæbɪtəbl zəʊn]
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Habitable zoneHabitable zone
  1. Even so , scientists have confirmed that Kepler-452b is located in its star 's habitable zone , along with several companion exoplanets .


  2. Both its Earthlike size and its location in the habitable zone are what make Kepler-186f a more likely candidate to accommodate life .


  3. In astrobiology , the Goldilocks zone refers to the habitable zone around a star .


  4. This world lies just on the cool edge of its star 's habitable zone .


  5. This is not in what we call the traditional habitable zone , this area around the sun .


  6. Earth and Mars are considered to be in the habitable zone around our sun .


  7. depending on how the habitable zone is defined .


  8. These moons , which are not in what we call a traditional habitable zone ,


  9. The newly-discovered planet g , however , lies right in the middle of the habitable zone .


  10. But other heat sources could potentially warm up a chilly planet that is outside this habitable zone .


  11. Of those confirmed , 12 are near-Earth-size and in the habitable zone of their star .


  12. We are certain that it is in the habitable zone and if it has a surface it ought to have a nice temperature .


  13. NPR 's Joe Palca reports astronauts say these planets are in what 's called the habitable zone .


  14. And there 's hot news that a similar star , 40 light years away , may have three planets in its habitable zone . 6 .


  15. The other newfound planet , Gliese 581f , is outside the habitable zone , researchers said . "


  16. The range of distance from a star that will allow water to remain a liquid GetWord (" liquid "); is called the habitable zone .


  17. Since these stars are so much cooler , their planets can orbit much closer to them and still remain in the habitable zone .


  18. Experts report that there are already more than 700 exoplanets discovered , but only a few are in the habitable zone .


  19. The first exoplanet discovered in the habitable zone could be a mirage , according to reports from an exoplanet meeting yesterday .


  20. Not to mention as I said , a lot of factors must come into play for life to exist . Being within the habitable zone is just one of them .


  21. Kepler-438b receives about 40 per cent more light than the Earth giving it a 70 per cent probability of having a habitable zone orbit .


  22. ' This is the first validated Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone of another star , ' said Dr. Quintana .


  23. In2007 , scientists discovered the first two Earth-like planets outside our solar system that appear to be located near or within their star 's habitable zone .


  24. Where the Sun will be less intense , the winters will be more extreme , creating an Earth with less land mass in a habitable zone .


  25. NASA 's Kepler Mission has discovered the first near-Earth-size planet orbiting in the habitable zone of a star very similar to our Sun .


  26. HD 85512 b is the only one of new planets , dubbed ' super-Earths ' that is located in its star system 's habitable zone .


  27. The outermost planet , HD 40307 g , orbits comfortably in the habitable zone , where Earth-like temperatures are possible .


  28. This " super-Earth " is a recently discovered exoplanet that is in its star 's habitable zone .


  29. Although all the exoplanets in this system are legitimate candidates to host alien life , three in particular are soundly in what is called the habitable zone .


  30. The discovery doubles the number of small planets less than twice the diameter of Earth which are believed to be in the habitable zone of their parent stars .
