Hangzhou University

  • 网络杭州大学
Hangzhou UniversityHangzhou University
  1. This research uses the survey in ' Child Social Adaptive Behavior Scale ' made by Hangzhou University department of Psychology .


  2. He graduated from the psychology department of Hangzhou University in1990 and has a Ph.D.degree in engineering .


  3. I was an undergraduate of Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology .


  4. The third chapter discusses the character of its spatial structure based on evolvement of spatial substantiality , organizing mechanism and development of Hangzhou university park .


  5. This year he took part in the university entrance examination ; and , having an eligible score , he was admitted by Hangzhou university .


  6. He attended Hangzhou University in1978 , the received a doctorate in history from Nanjing university , and later went abroad to continue his research work .


  7. The research , based on the analysis of the grade of CET ( Band 4 , 2004 ) in which 5719 students in Hangzhou University of Electronics & Science are participants , is to explore the effect of gender ( sex ) on SLA ( second language acquisition ) .


  8. Social cost Shen Jiawei , 21 , is a primary education major at Hangzhou Normal University .


  9. Prevention and treatment strategy for influenza A / H1N1 of the affiliated hospital of Hangzhou Normal University


  10. Hangzhou Normal University organized the Confucius Institute , in addition to Chinese characteristics , It will bring more distinctive flavor of Hangzhou .


  11. I flunked my exam for university twice before I was accepted by what was considered my city 's worst university , Hangzhou Normal University .


  12. According to the police , the driver was a20-year-old man named Hu and he is presently a sports major at the Hangzhou Normal University .


  13. Ma failed his college entrance exams twice . He managed to enroll in Hangzhou Normal University on his third attempt , where he studied English .


  14. You even can 't satisfy my requst that you should set type to the form of the Hangzhou Dianzi University Sinia .


  15. In College English teaching attention has been paid as always to the non-English majors ' listening and speaking abilities , for the neglect of the development of their translation competence . The Hangzhou Normal University ( HZNU ) is not an exception .


  16. Hangzhou Radio TV University is one of the first pilot units . Through nearly six-year beneficial exploration and practice , it has formed a mode of cultivating talented people marked by ″ 1357 ″ .


  17. Ecology in Modern Distance Education : A Case of Hangzhou Radio and TV University
