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  • 网络高频;对冲基金研究;对冲基金研究公司;高帧率
  1. The average macro fund lost 1 per cent this year , according to HFR .


  2. China will continue to emerge as the capital of the Asian hedge funds industry , said Kenneth Heinz , president of HFR .


  3. Multivariable mathematical models of epidemic prediction of HFR


  4. The obtained energy levels have been theoretically interpreted by using relativistic Hartree-Fock ( HFR ) calculations .


  5. The average fund was up 1.29 per cent this year until the end of July , according to confirmed HFR figures .


  6. HFR said that during the first quarter 376 funds closed compared to 778 fund closings in the final quarter of last year .


  7. This paper introduces a novel approach of HFR , which is based on minimum entropy . Experimental results show that the subjective testing of reconstructed sound is good .


  8. Combined with the stroboscopic holography , the HFR method applied to the quantitative analysis of the 3-d vibration displacement fields of the bridge of violin .


  9. The first order reduced density matrix ρ _1 for a polyatomic system having 2n electrons can be constructed resolving HFR Eq. from n basis .


  10. Objective To investigate the changes in endothelium function and its relevant to oxygen free radicals in high fructose-fed rats ( HFR ) as well as the effects of rosiglitazone .


  11. In the a high frame rate ( HFR ) ultrasonic imaging system , the weighting process by limited diffraction beams on echo signal takes the most of the calculation time for constructing an image .


  12. Compared with traditional dynamic focusing medicine imaging system , the high frame rate ( HFR ) ultrasonic imaging system only requires one transmission event to construct an image , so it can reach an ultra high frame rate .


  13. Results : During early days after exposure , an increase in WBC , decrease in lymphocyte count , RET and absolute RET were observed , HFR and IRF were zero .


  14. Combined with double exposure holography , the holographic fringe reader ( HFR ) method has quantitatively determined the 3-d displacements of frontal bone and temporal bone of human skull loaded by concentrated force .


  15. The high frame rate ( HFR ) ultrasonic imaging system , which is developed with limited diffraction beams , constructs images at a high frame rate . However the rectangular imaging area , to some extent , restricts the far field imaging information .


  16. CONCLUSION : RET , especially HFR , is the sensitive indicator to reflect the beginning of marrow function inhibition and recovery , which can be used to guide doctors using G-SF or GM-SF timely when treating tumor by chemicals .
