- abbr.综合保健管理(Integrated Healthcare Management)

In order to study the regulating mechanism of NGF and TGF - β 1 in HM and IHM , ABC immunohistochemistry method was used .
This article collected 180 trophoblastic tumor cases treated in our hospital from 1980 to 1990.Invasion Hydatidiform Mole ( IHM ) 118 ;
Mr Ihm leads the way to a 3D printer room at the Daejeon centre and points out a prototype camera case printed by The S , an action camera maker that is one of 10 start-ups hosted there .
The urine hCG contents and DSA binding rates of hCG were both decreased after the chemical therapy for IHM and CC patients , but the decrease of DSA binding rate was more significant than the decrease of hCG content when analyzed with statistics .