
  1. The first stage , the establishment and implementation of ISO14001 environmental management system stage .


  2. A new idea is proposed to confirm the significant aspects in ISO14001 environmental management system .


  3. Establishment of ( ISO14001 ) Environmental Management System in Neighborhood and Community : Process and Characteristics


  4. The organization can obtain ISO14001 certification process is divided into two stages .


  5. Our production is strictly in accordance with ISO9001 international quality management system and ISO14001 international environmental management system .


  6. ISO14001 is an organization to establish and implement the environment management system and carry out certification basis .


  7. Here , we will introduce the organization to obtain ISO14001 certification program .


  8. According to ISO14001 standard , environmental management system has been established and it run at least more than three months .


  9. We are ISO14001 accredited , and the environmental benefits are useful to us .


  10. Piano Cabinet has been certified " ISO14001 " environmental management system and " ISO9001:2008 " international quality management system .


  11. These advisory bodies can help enterprises understand knowledge of ISO14001 standard , establish documented environmental management system and run environment management system .


  12. The relationship between the establishment of ISO14001 Enviroment Management System and the sustaining development of small-size enterprises is discussed .


  13. Implementing ISO14001 can enhance enterprise 's competence in the market , establish enterprise 's good image and obtain good environmental social and economic benefit .


  14. Our company has the right to Export-Import , having passed ISO9001 international quality system certification and ISO14001 international environment system certification .


  15. Xinji 's management connects with international , its agriculture branches all passed ISO14001 environment management system certificate and Organic Food Certification ;


  16. Obtaining and operating strictly according the certificate of ISO9001 quality system and ISO14001 environment system have ensured the quality of products improved smoothly .


  17. The comprehensive identification and accurate evaluation of organizations important environmental aspects are the basis of establishing and maintaining ISO14001 environmental management system ( EMS ) .


  18. This stage , the organization shall establish and implement the ISO14001 environment management system , from the form in accordance with the standard of ISO14001 .


  19. Certification , following review by a third party , confirms that Zink 's system meets the requirements of the internationally recognized ISO14001 Environmental Management System .


  20. The Guanjue Ceramics brand practices standard management , and has passed ISO9001:2008 management system certification , ISO14001 and2004 environmental management system certification successively .


  21. As AHT takes quality seriously , a quality management system has been introduced , conforming to ISO9001 as well as an environment management system to comply with ISO14001 .


  22. All our products are made per the standards of ISO9001 Quality Certification and ISO14001 Environment Certification that our quality and technology has taken the leading position in the world .


  23. The company is already accredited with ISO9000 and ISO14001 certificates and was the recipient of HK2002 Quality Award .


  24. ISO14001 EMS is a current environment management model , some problems those shoudbe noticed in setting up ISO14001 EMS in power plant have been stated .


  25. A far-reaching influence will be exerted on the sustainable development of the hospital and even of the society when the hospital carries out ISO14001 in rear service and environment protection .


  26. ISO14000 series are a set of environmental management system standards developed by ISO , and the certificate against ISO14001 has been a passport to global market and break-through of'Green Barrier ' .
