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  • abbr.国际西方电气公司(美)
  1. International welding engineer ( IWE ) training and engineering senior students training Comparative Study of Talent Cultivation of Higher Engineering Education Between China and America


  2. Second , it builds model of IWE from the perspective of technical efficiency , and calculate the efficiency score of the whole province and each region in the province .


  3. Specially , high-speed development of industry of Zhejiang province make the industrial water-saving target which put enhancing industrial water efficiency ( IWE ) at the core appear to be more urgent .


  4. First , based on distinguish various IWE indicators that are being widely used now , it gives the definition of IWE which seems more reasonable , that is , the ability of optimal use of industrial water .


  5. Organised by international women of excellence ( IWE ) , a European non-profit body that aims to help professional women achieve their potential , it is attended by equal numbers of male and female managers .
