Instrumental variables

美 [ˌɪnstrəˈmentl ˈvɛriəbəlz]英 [ˌɪnstrəˈmentl ˈveərɪəblz]
  • 网络工具变量;辅助变量;工具变量法;工具变量方法
Instrumental variablesInstrumental variables
  1. Specifically , in this thesis I use two instrumental variables : Twin and Membership in Rome Catholic .


  2. Through semi-parametric estimation using instrumental variables , we found that when birth spacing is around 29 months , the math , reading recognition and reading comprehension scores reach their peak value .


  3. A Single Platform Bearings-only Target Tracking Algorithm Using Instrumental Variables


  4. Modification of biased target parameter estimation for static single bearings-only observer by instrumental variables


  5. The key is how to choose the instrumental variables to generate the instrumental matrixes .


  6. In order to study the instrumental variables ' influence on output the impact under different policy states is compared by impulse response function .


  7. Instrumental variables related by a strict and outer test , sub-sample sensitivity analysis and control variables means to protect the stability of the conclusions .


  8. Further , we use variance decomposition technology to examine the contribution-rate to the fluctuation of GDP caused by the shock of different instrumental variables .


  9. Topics include statistical inference , regression , generalized least squares , instrumental variables , simultaneous equations models , and the evaluation of government policies and programs .


  10. This paper further inspect through the variable substitution endogenous test and introduce appropriate instrumental variables regression three stage least squares method , to ensure the reliability of the conclusion of the study .


  11. LPC gives biased estimation when analysis is pitch-asynchronous , so that the errors of formant parameter estimation of LPC are large . Modification of Biased Estimation for Static Single Bearings-only Observer by Instrumental Variables


  12. In the proposed method , proper instrumental variables are constructed to suppress the effects of noise on the detection performance , and a useful criterion for detection is derived based on the asymptotical analysis of the orthogonality between signal and noise subspace .


  13. In this paper , a best instrumental variable estimator is made up by the linear combination of a few instrumental variables from an equation model of econometrics .
