Jinzhai County

  • 网络金寨县
Jinzhai CountyJinzhai County
  1. On discussion characteristic of animal and plant in Jinzhai County


  2. Analysis of Jinzhai County Household Technical Change and Efficiency Change : Stochastic Frontier Production Function Approach


  3. The Resources and Development Prospect of Walnut in Jinzhai County


  4. The papermaking resource of Jinzhai county , Anhui Province and its development and utilization


  5. Quantitative Analysis on Water Retaining Benefit of Forest for Erosion Control in Jinzhai County of Anhui Province


  6. Analysis of Dabie Mountain in West of Anhui Province Based on Ecological Footprint Model ── A Case Study of Jinzhai County


  7. Jinzhai County borders three provinces and eight counties , hence its diversity of culture , custom and dialect .


  8. Old liberated district of red revolution and new eco-city of green landscape Reviewing the plan of new administrative area in JinZhai county , AnHui province


  9. Architect is in the complicated condition when he carries on the plan of the new administrative office area in Jinzhai County , which has outstanding regional features .


  10. In Jinzhai county and other parts of China where farmers grow cash crops ( 4 ) or have more land , incomes from agriculture are higher .


  11. The forest coverage of Jinzhai County , Huoshan County , Shucheng County , Xin County , Guangshan County and Luoshan County is higher .


  12. The natural resources , growth conditions , development prospect and plan of walnut in Jinzhai County were discussed in the paper , and walnut production will play an important role in the economic development in the mountain area .


  13. The result showed that the ecological footprints of Jinzhai County was within its carrying capacity in 2002 , the supply rate of forest in existing bio-capacity was the highest , and the second was grassland , accounting for 77.0 % and 19.2 % respectively ;
