- n.琼森;荣松(Emil,1902—,冰岛前总理〔1958—1959〕)

This arrangement would be gradually wound down as part of a transition agreement with GM , Mr Jonsson said .
Jonsson congenial to court to try to get away but later wrote Norma drama .
So Erik Jonsson was the son of a man named Jon .
Fredrik Jonsson 's work at IS Tools is focused on the intersection between technology and market , and includes active identification and development of novel business opportunities for partners and customers .
Saab would double its dealers in China from about 15 to 30 and might produce cars there in the future , Mr Jonsson said , adding that no decision had been made .
" Cancer is very rare in modern societies in humans under age30 ," said oncologist John Glaspy at UCLA 's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center .
With interest rates as high as they are , and principal payments indexed to inflation , Jon Jonsson , an Icelandic international banker , says the solvency of even the new banks remains in doubt .