
  • n.康斯坦茨(德意志联邦共和国南部一城市)
  1. He received his PhD degree in Computer Science from Konstanz University in Germany in 2007 .


  2. An experiment by the University of Konstanz , in Germany , found that people who were blindfolded consumed nine per cent fewer calories before they felt full , compared to those who could see .


  3. He studied physics at the Universities of Bremen and Konstanz , and completed his PhD thesis entitled " Diamond-like materials prepared via mass selected ion beam deposition " in1996 .


  4. Participants in the annual Konstanz seminar earlier this year-including top European and US monetary economists-disagreed not only about what ECB policy should be but also about what it is .


  5. That is an interesting result , but some of Dr de Quervain 's colleagues at the University of Konstanz , in Germany , were able to take it further in a second experiment .


  6. Moral Judgment Test ( abbr. MJT ) which is used for measuring personal moral judgment ability was developed in 1976 by Dr. Georg Lind , who is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Konstanz .


  7. The core element of reception theory , which originated from Konstanz School of literary studies , is the openness and diversity in the interpreting of the meanings of literatures , with the emphasis on the significance of the active reception of readers .


  8. A research paper -- by University of Pennsylvania economist Jeremy Greenwood ; Nezih Guner , a research professor at Markets , Organizations and Votes in Economics ( MOVE ) , a research institute based in Barcelona ; University of Konstanz economist Georgi Kocharkov ;
