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  • abbr.消息排队接口(Message Queuing Interface);军事检疫员(Military Quarantine Inspector)
  1. A similar situation exists with the MQI ( client ) channels .


  2. Capture completion and reason codes in all application MQI calls


  3. Tips when writing development code for MQI calls


  4. In this study , prime component analysis was used to get an object meat quality index ( MQI ) .


  5. Neotectonic deformation feature and mechanism of the Xishan fault system in r ü mqi


  6. Recent MQI channel statistics ( for channels )


  7. These are the profiles that control what can or cannot be done through the MQI .


  8. This section describes security for the WebSphere MQ application programming interface , which is called the MQI .


  9. The following table shows what MQI actions a user ID can perform if it has the access level listed .


  10. The MQI allows a program to get or put messages as well as inquire on and modify queues .


  11. Access of CONTROL or ALTER , on the other hand , means that there is no MQI security for that connection .


  12. Therefore all a program needs to be able to do through the MQI is to view the information in the process or namelist .


  13. This is because the MQI channel agent is driven by the remote application which has access to the entire WebSphere MQ API .


  14. WebSphere MQ provides a consistent application programming interface ( MQI ) across all its supported platforms , which helps make integrated programs portable .


  15. The WebSphere MQ Performance Monitor lets you collect and analyze performance data for queues , channels , and MQI calls for queue managers .


  16. It enables an application running on the same system to connect to a queue manager running on a different system , and issue MQI calls to that queue manager .


  17. Manufacturing quality information ( MQI ) is very useful for supporting product design . It helps product designers in their design decision-making by providing information about capability and level of manufacturing quality .


  18. XMS will probably not be provided on as many platforms , so you need to use MQI to get the widest possible range of languages and platforms .


  19. This example shows that the WebSphere MQ classes in RACF do not provide as granular of access for MQI operations as the OAM does .


  20. New MQI function calls are used to set , inquire about , and delete message properties ( MQSETMP , MQINQMP and MQDLTMP ) .


  21. Access of NONE , READ or UPDATE means that at least one userid ( possibly two depending on the access level ) will be checked for MQI access to WebSphere MQ objects .


  22. Characteristics of Stable Isotope in Precipitation in the inland Area & A case study of the relation between δ ~ ( 1 8 ) O in precipitation and temperature in ü r ü mqi River , China


  23. XMS provides a wrapper on top of the native WebSphere MQ programming verbs ( MQI ), which means that an XMS application may not perform as well as a well-written MQI application .


  24. The MQI can also allow a program to manipulate context for queues , specify alternate userids , publish or subscribe to topics , and inquire on processes and namelists .


  25. Protocol switch : Enables service requesters to dispatch their messages using a variety of interaction protocols or APIs , such as SOAP / HTTP , JMS , and MQ Integrator ( MQI ) .


  26. The MCAUSER can default to mqm , unless it is set ( for example by the MQI client , or by a security exit ) or is hardcoded on the channel definition .


  27. For example , for a queue , an MQQUEUE profile is used to control MQI access to the queue , but other profiles in the MQADMIN class are used to control context and alternate user security .


  28. One of the ID and group pairs is for MCA channels and the other is for MQI channels so let 's call them mqmmca : mqmmca and mqmmqi : mqmmqi .
