Marcel Proust

  • 网络马塞尔·普鲁斯特;马塞尔•普鲁斯特;马塞尔普鲁斯特
Marcel ProustMarcel Proust
  1. On " Fragment of Aesthetics " in Fei Ming and Marcel Proust 's Novels


  2. Vivian : So you do get up . I was beginning to think perhaps you worked in bed like Marcel Proust .


  3. In search of Lost Time is milestone work for the French novelist Marcel Proust , the great modern masterpiece .


  4. Marcel Proust might have said that her work is an astonishing revelation of the'mysterious phenomenon of scintillation ' .


  5. On Literary Creation of Marcel Proust


  6. It was while I was convalescing that I managed to read the complete works of Marcel proust .


  7. Happiness is beneficial for the body , but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind . Marcel Proust , French writer .


  8. On 18 May 1922 , Marcel Proust and James Joyce , the two greatest novelists of the 20th century , met for the first and only time .


  9. Just ask Marcel Proust .


  10. Happiness is beneficial for the body , but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind . ( Marcel Proust , French writer )


  11. Marcel Proust - In Search of Lost Time ( A la recherche du temps perdu ) ( 1913-1927 )


  12. all of which once belonged to the woman who inspired the character of the Duchess of Guermantes in Marcel Proust 's " In Search of Lost Time . "


  13. By his writing style against the tradition and by his revolting artistic ideals , Marcel Proust has caused an exciting shock in the fields of literature and literary critique .


  14. The French writer Marcel Proust reproduced rich emotions and nature in his full length novel In Search of Lost Time by way of unconscious recollection , which formed a unique literary style and school , exerting a great influence upon modern literary school .
