Michael Faraday
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Research and application of Michael Faraday 's Cage Lighting Arrester in construction engineering
Michael Faraday makes the first electric motor .
Improving of lightening arrester ground net Research and application of Michael Faraday 's Cage Lighting Arrester in construction engineering
In the1800 's the invention of the electric dynamo by Michael Faraday ignited the path for electric generators of the future .
" Arose from the work of Michael faraday , James Clerk maxwell , Heinrich hertz , Guglielmo marconi , and others "
William Gladstone , when chancellor of the exchequer in the 1850s , is said to have asked Michael Faraday , the great scientist , whether a new discovery called electricity would ever have practical value .
He was speaking ahead of the presentation of Britain 's highest scientific award , the Royal Society 's Copley Medal , previously granted to Charles Darwin , Michael Faraday , and Albert Einstein .