Nick Clegg

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Nick CleggNick Clegg
  1. Nick Clegg and I are both political leaders that want to put aside party differences and work hard for the common good and for the national interest .


  2. New fathers will be given up to ten months of paid paternity leave under plans outlined by British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg .


  3. Question 17 . How did Nick Clegg make his apologies known to the public ?


  4. Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg emerged as the clear winner .


  5. Over the weekend , Brown and Cameron both met with Nick Clegg .


  6. A recent apology on video by the deputy prime minister Nick Clegg , has become a hit on the Internet .


  7. So it is no surprise that voters are finding David Cameron and Nick Clegg increasingly difficult to tell apart .


  8. Nick clegg , Deputy Prime Minister


  9. Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats is his deputy .


  10. Nick Clegg and I are both political leaders who want to put aside party differences and work hard for the common good and for the national interest .


  11. Got a question for Gordon Brown , David Cameron or Nick Clegg ? Now is your chance to take part in television history .


  12. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg


  13. Nick Clegg seized the initiative last night as the televised drama of Britain 's first campaign debate between party leaders transformed the election .


  14. He also managed to offend the Chinese in the summer by suggesting that the bilateral relationship would be handled by his deputy , Nick Clegg .


  15. Nick Clegg , the deputy prime minister , went down particularly well in Mexico , where he addressed the Congress in fluent Spanish .


  16. So too for David Cameron and Nick Clegg in the UK , eager to prove that we are all in it together .


  17. British deputy leader Nick Clegg says under the proposal on bill today , immigrants would only be able to get their money back when they leave the UK .


  18. In April , Nick Clegg , the UK Deputy Prime Minister , said Whitehall would ban informal internships as part of a drive to improve social mobility .


  19. Should a deal to repatriate powers become possible , Nick Clegg 's party would be mad to stand in its way ( and Mr Clegg knows it ) .


  20. That displeased those who had pushed for a full public inquiry into the war , among them Nick Clegg , leader of the opposition Liberal Democrats .


  21. On becoming deputy prime minister last year , Nick Clegg ( above ) implored the Lib Dems to " own " everything the coalition did .


  22. When told it was a combination of him and Nick Clegg , she said : ' It still looks more like Cameron , but then they are pretty similar aren 't they ? '


  23. " Nick Clegg made it quite clear he wanted to speak to the Conservatives first , that is his prerogative and let us see if they can make a deal ," said Bradshaw .


  24. Loose fit : David Miliband ( left ) ; baggy and saggy : Nick Clegg ( centre ) ; and a black mark : William Hague ( right )


  25. Mr. Brown 's move to step aside was packaged with his announcement that Labour has entered formal talks on a power-sharing coalition with the Liberal Democrats and their leader , Nick Clegg .


  26. Plans for reforming the upper house are - like plans for AV - Liberal Democrat ambitions , and are the personal responsibility of Nick Clegg , the Lib Dem leader and deputy prime minister .


  27. It means a right-handed politician , such as Nick Clegg , will wave his right hand when passing on positive news , while a left-hander – such as David Cameron – will gesture with his left .


  28. Nick Clegg , the former UK deputy prime minister , told an interviewer : The first , most visceral instinct you have as a parent is you want to protect your children and politics is a very rough business you know .


  29. At times Lord Lipsey seems to take disproportionate umbrage against people : Nick Clegg , the deputy prime minister , is ferociously raked over the coals for mishandling the referendum on the alternative vote , for example .


  30. It is hard to imagine a part of our current history that has not been affected by measures she put forward in the UK at the end of the 20th Century . [ qh ] NICK CLEGG , DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER [ qh ] Margaret Thatcher was one of the defining figures in modern British politics .
