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  • abbr.操作系统;海洋气象处(Ocean Weather Service);障碍警告系统(Obstacle Warning System);海洋气象船(Ocean Weather Ship)
  1. Among those who agree with OWS aims are as many as a third of self-identified Republicans .


  2. Having had a number of previous discussions with this reporter , I welcomed her question as to what I thought the ows movement should look to achieve or demand .


  3. Us high yield funds still seeing small in ? Ows .


  4. Us high yield funds continue to see small out ? Ows .


  5. Very marginal in ? ows into US high yield funds .


  6. But the irony of a money management firm named ows was just too much .


  7. Even my lile sister ows can 't fight . That 's why


  8. Physical dependence of buprenorphine was assessed using 30 items opiate withdrawal scale ( OWS ), which composed of 30 symptoms / signs .


  9. OWS encourages all participants to respect health and sanitary regulations , and will direct all participants to respectfully utilize appropriate off-site sanitary facilities .


  10. But as more people joined , ows developed second-tier services such as mediators to resolve conflicts and people , including wedes , who handle press relations .


  11. The ows movement would do America a favor if it called for a thorough exposition of the scam that encompassed the auction-rate securities market .


  12. Ows and America have approximately 100 billion reasons to pursue this transparency , that being the approximate dollar value of the ARS which remain frozen in investor accounts .


  13. By analyzing the generic Web Services architecture and OWS technical architecture , a multi-tier component architecture for GIS based on Web services was advanced , also the architecture characteristic and the function of the components were narrated .


  14. But , while the wealthy can use their money to amplify their views , back on the street , police wouldn 't allow me to address the OWS protesters through a megaphone .


  15. The ows movement and all of America would learn a lot about the incestuous nature of the relationship between Wall Street and Washington if FINRA were forced to provide real transparency as I have called for so often .


  16. The results are as foll - ows : 1 . Acute toxicological experiment : LD_ ( 50 ) and 95 % limit of confidence in mice was 1500 ( 1061 & 2120 ) mg / kg .


  17. Lacking superior information and strong motive force mechanism which market economy ows , planned economy made the systematic efficiency of economy low and the whole society vigorless , so at the end of 1970s and the beginning of 1980s , our country initiated the reform of the market orientation .


  18. Ows had very high energy and transported large amounts of loose material in the Meizoseismal area . Their peak discharge reached levels several times normal , notably during the rainstorm-induced debris ? ows of September 14 , 2010 in the epicenter area , in the Wenchuan earthquake area .
