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  • 网络多功能摇篮;普乐儿系列
  1. But the most recent round of en primeur trading has set a precedent .


  2. En primeur is the French term for wine before it is bottled .


  3. When these very backward wines were shown en primeur in April 2005 it was the tannin that was their most obvious characteristic .


  4. Fund managers are generally bullish that the predicted record primeur prices for the second year running will reaffirm the value to be found in older vintages .


  5. Asian buyers have just begun buying en primeur in the past couple of years , said Mr Fowler , meaning their experience to date is unimpressive .


  6. The popular grape-based alcoholic drink is developing as an asset class , and investors have started to trade derivative products in the form of en primeur , a type of wine future .


  7. Since the weakening of the dollar , some US wine merchants have pulled back from en primeur purchases in expensive pounds and euros in favour of trading the contents of the many established cellars there .


  8. Right now , the front-of-mind vintage is , of course , the much-lauded 2010 that is currently being sold en primeur or as wine futures , offering the customer the opportunity to invest in a particular wine before it is bottled .
