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I would also add the names of Pericles Lincoln and Churchill .
Moreover , since Pericles had introduced payment for service on a jury or as a member of the Council , poverty was not a bar to public life .
Pericles assumes that the Athens can not make head or tail of his grand strategy .
It was the imperialism of Athens in the age of Pericles that made it possible for Athenians to study philosophy .
Academically , that describes a period of ancient world history , as in Darius I , Pericles and Alexander the Great .
The Time Period of the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras , philosopher , mathematician and teacher of Pericles .
The sea was no friendly element to unhappy Pericles , FOR long beFORe they reached Tyre another dreadful tempest arose .
Construction of the Parthenon was championed by Pericles , Athens 's most popular elected politician .
" How , a king 's daughter !" said pericles ," and called marina ! But are you flesh and blood ?"
The salient facts in this belief summary will serve to show how discordant Pericles was with much of the life of his city .
" Pericles , Prince of Tyre "
Pericles 's good friend and master sculptor , Pheidias , built the gigantic statue of Athena that stands inside .
This is what Pericles boasts to his listeners in the famous funeral oration told by Thucydides .
For alleged embezzlement of resources , and perhaps as a shot at Pericles 's power , Pheidias was later run out of town .
We may feel with confidence that he has given us , with the added colour of his own experience , not merely the inner thought but much of the language of Pericles .
After Pericles ' death , the Athenians ' unrestrained desire resulted in the Sicilian expedition and finally led to a huge failure and much pain .
The last period of Shakespeare 's work includes his principle romantic tragicomedies : Pericles , Cymbeline , The Winter 's Tale and The Tempest ;
It is not , of course , the speech which Pericles delivered , or even , as the speaker hints , the kind of speech usually given on such occasions .
Now , what Pericles untruly said of women , Iam very much disposed to say of foreign affairs & their great merit would be to be never heard of .
Through the mouth of Pericles , Thucydides conveys his own idea : the struggle to become the strongest in the present contest will be the memory of future generations .
Some researchers question even the historical tradition that she was a hetaera , or courtesan , and have suggested that she may actually have been married to Pericles .
Who are your favorite characters in history ? A mixture of socrates , pericles , mahomet , Pliny the younger and Augustin thierry .
Construction of the Parthenon was championed by Pericles , Athens 's most popular elected politician . Mr. Craig had been proud to show his taste and his hothouse plants on the occasion .
But Pericles Lewis , the first president of Yale-NUS , who also sits on the board , notes that it had " a few years left " to achieve its fundraising targets , and could have doubled the number of students it admits .
Thucydides deliberately inserts the Great Plague in the middle of the two speeches in order to display how Pericles , under different situations , persuaded the Athenians to love their city-state and to undergo various sufferings for the purpose of marvelous achievements as well as everlasting memory .
Who was this man who dared , singlehanded , to challenge the entire world of Hellenism -- embodied in Homer , Pindar , and Aeschylus , in Phidias , Pericles , Pythia , and Dionysus -- which commands our highest reverence ?