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  • abbr.(美国国防部)四年一次的国防审核报告(Quadrennial Defense Review);质量缺陷记录(Quality Deficiency Record);质量不合格报告,质量缺陷报告(Quality Deficiency Report)
  1. The implementation of MTI processing based on QDR SRAM and FPGA


  2. With the internal architecture of a QDR and FPGA , the design of QDR controller is achieved .


  3. The MTI processing is implemented with QDR SRAM as the multicycle data memory on the FPGA signal processor .


  4. " The Quadrennial Defense Review ( QDR ) 2001 " published by US Department of Defense has made profound changes to US strategic doctrine and national defense strategy .


  5. The new plan envisages a fleet consistent with the irregular warfare and ballistic missile defence ( BMD ) focus of the2010 Quadrennial Defense Review ( QDR ) .


  6. From Shaping , Responding , Preparing to Dissuading , Deterring and Defeating : A Comparison of The Quadrennial Defense Review ( QDR ) 1997 and 2001


  7. The purpose of the article is designing and carrying out the QDR using FPGA which is a high speed and easy modifying . The QDR links the processor and interface which are both in the high speed data communication system .


  8. The dual energy X ray absorptiometry ( Hologic , QDR 4500 W ) was used to determine the BMD of lumbar vertebrae and femoral neck in group A and group B and determine the BMD before and after treatment in group C.
