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  • 网络拉萨;主动脉窦瘤破裂;拉沙;味道
  1. In the RASA algorithm , the size of the parent block will change with the key .


  2. I always start a novel from a state of tabula rasa .


  3. In Indian poetry there is the rasa theory ( theory of flavours ) .


  4. As Rasa would say to me , life is written in any case , my heart is as open as the sky .


  5. Similarly , subjectivity at starting was quite abstract , a bare tabula rasa .


  6. Hume thought the mind a blank slate ( tabula rasa ) on which experience could be written .


  7. Hydro-Slurry Pipe Jacking Techniques of RASA in Japan


  8. Rasa in literature interpreted in Indian poetics in some extent has much in common with Beauty , but is not entirely equivalent of Beauty .


  9. The mind of a person who has been badly taught must be borne a tabula rasa before he can learn anything properly .


  10. Objective : To evaluate the echocardiographic characteristics of ruptured aortic sinus aneurysm ( RASA ) with ventricular septal defect ( VSD ) .


  11. The Taste Poetics and Su Shi 's Seeking for Poetic Tastes In Indian poetry there is the rasa theory ( theory of flavours ) .


  12. Rasa is a concept of extreme importance in Indian culture . Representing the fine matter in diet , it is the basis for deciding all nutritive functions and therapeutic effects .


  13. Yet such proposals face strong opposition , a reminder that the apparent tabula rasa created by the tsunami does not mean that existing interests and habits have been erased .


  14. The finitude of Cognition lies in the presupposition of a world already in existence , and in the consequent view of the knowing subject as a tabula Rasa .


  15. It 's the flip side of China 's Modernist embrace : tabula rasa planning of the sort that also tainted the Modernist movement in Europe and the United States in the postwar years .


  16. At Matchesfashion.com , customers will soon be able to invest in the luxurious textiles of New York knitwear brand Tabula Rasa which are used on everything from kaftans to wallcoverings .


  17. In a way , we need to unlearn some of the things we 've taught ourselves so that we end up with a tabula rasa ( that 's lawyer-speak for " blank slate ") .
