- n.罗斯林

Roslyn means'point of the waterfall'in Scottish Gaelic according to some , or'ancient knowledge down the line'according to others .
These are very unique in purpose , and differ from areas such as Titicaca , Arkansas , Grand Tetons , Shasta and Roslyn that are primary Celestial Star Gates .
Roslyn would then need to refresh her model as well .
Roslyn associates the physical model from the imported project with her connection to the GSDB database .
If Roslyn wants the DDL execution to stop when the first error is encountered , she can select that option .
If Roslyn wants to use a specific tablespace on the target database for the new tables , she specifies it in this window .
Every summer , devoted fans of the1990s show arrive at Moosefest to pay homage to Roslyn .
Because Roslyn 's usage will be with a particular database table , this information should correspond to the definition of the underlying database columns .
After Eric successfully extracts the data from the source DB2 database , the next step is to load it into Roslyn 's target Oracle database .
The first column represents the source data type ( in Roslyn 's case : DB2 ), and the second column represents the target ( Oracle ) data type .
For example , if Roslyn is interested in her subset containing data for1000 customers , she would select CUST as the start table .
Because Tom indicated that he specified private data , Roslyn needs to ensure that her work is properly enforced by associating her database connection with Tom 's model .
For the example scenario , however , this option is disabled , because Roslyn is creating tables in her Oracle instance , which means she cannot include the table creation DDL in a transaction .
In the example environment , Roslyn does not have ODA installed , and because she has a source DB2 database and a target Oracle database , the combination would not be supported in ODA .
Roslyn picturesque town used to hold a number of bizarre celebrations , but it was famous because it is the setting of the once popular television series named " Northland "( Northern Exposure ) .
After I introduced Bill to Betsy Johnson , her mother , Roslyn , cornered me on the way out of their house and said , " I don 't care what you do , but don 't let this one go . He 's the only one I 've ever seen make you laugh ! "