Rotary flame

Rotary flameRotary flame
  1. Research on the Segmentation and Retrieval of Rotary Kiln Flame Image


  2. The new clustering algorithm was applied in the clustering analysis of rotary kiln flame image .


  3. After long-term observation study found that , from inside the burning zone of rotary kiln flame image collected contained a lot of information on the temperature of burning zone .


  4. Through the similarity calculation of the low level features , it acquired a serial of similar retrieved images . Meanwhile , a rotary kiln flame image semantic extraction model and retrieval model were also proposed .


  5. The rotary kiln flame image gray association degrees were calculated , and transformed into the gray weights which were applied in distance calculation ; using this distance measurement , a new clustering algorithm was proposed based on the traditional k-Means algorithm .


  6. Measuring the Temperature of Calcining Zone in Rotary Kiln by Flame Image Sequence Processing


  7. Status Recognition Research for Rotary Kiln Based on Flame Image Features and BT-SVM
