
  1. 你知道球体的表面区域,是4pi,r平方,因此你能计算,每平方米多少,抵达地球。

    You know that the surface area of this sphere is four pi r squared , and so you can calculate how much for every square meter reaches the Earth .

  2. ,力,重力,随着r的平方而减少。

    The force , gravitational force , falls off as one over r squared .

  3. 我们得到结论-,重力加速度,随r的平方而减少。

    We came exactly to that conclusion & that the gravitational acceleration falls off as one over r squared .

  4. 因此你看到,我承受的重力加速度,距离地球不同远近,距离太阳的不同距离,和r的平方成反比。

    And so you see that the gravitational acceleration that I experience at different distances at different distances from the sun , is inversely proportional with r squared .

  5. 用这个方程,对于s轨道,径向概率分布,4πr的平方,乘以波函数的平方,这很容易理解。

    So , we can do that by using this equation , which is for s orbitals is going to be equal to dr4 pi r squared times the wave function squared , d r.

  6. 如果你们数的话,原子核的数是,我们用它乘以πr的平方,得到横截面积,除以1。

    So , the number of nuclei , 119 if we were to sit and count these as well , is119 . So , we 'll multiply that by just pi , r squared , to get that cross-section , and divide all of that by1 .

  7. 这两个力相同,除了,我的力沿着这个方向-,这是r的增长方向-,所以我的力是,除以r的平方,如果我在这个位置。

    The two are identical except that-mine is in this direction this is increasing value of r + mMG so mine would be plus m MG divided by r squared if I 'm here at location r.