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  • 网络太空工程车;农民;杂波中可见度;人族农民;电缆电视
  1. Values of SCV for the lower limbs were not obtained in 12 and 13 patients respectively .


  2. The lower rate of amplitude of SCV was 53 . 66 % in DM group .


  3. MCV , SCV and latency of F - wave were normal .


  4. Mules can gather minerals much faster than an SCV but break down after a period of time .


  5. Conclusion Miacalcic may lighten pain of diabetic around nerve pathological changes , increase the levels of MCV , SCV .


  6. CASE REPORTS The SCV of bilateral ulnar nerve and peripheral ML were normal in 14 cases of carpal tunnel syndrome .


  7. Conclusions It is concluded that RSS is a simple , safe , noninvasive , effective method in detecting CV and SCV .


  8. Present rate , latency and abnormal forms of F wave , sensory conduction velocity ( SCV ) transient dispersion ( TD ) .


  9. Nerve conduction velocities of MCV of median nerve , near end SCV and near end SCV of ulnar decreased significantly .


  10. There were eight starting activation points of reentry in the 7 patients with PAF in this study : Two starting activation points respectively in SCV ?


  11. It makes a comparison between the SCV and packet number prediction effect of real traffic load of NLANR and the effect on the total traffic load estimation .


  12. Through MCV and SCV examinations , the clinical diagnostic accuracy of diabetic peripheral neuropathy elevated from original 17.8 % to 47.8 % .


  13. Results : The formation and proliferation of SCV can not only be promoted , but the ideal mordant effect can also be achieved by TA as well .


  14. Results : There was remarkable changes in the neurosis symptom , rightly middle nerve , leg nerve MCV and SCV of the patients from the observation group .


  15. Compared with those in Group B , MCV of sural nerve and SCV of superficial sural nerve in Group A were significantly slow ( P0.05 ) .


  16. Although the normal MCV and SCV were found in children with myopathy or acute myelitis , both of the F waves of the later were abnormal .


  17. The abnormality rate of NCV was 70 % , the main changes were decreased motor conduction velocity ( MCV ) and sensory conduction velocity ( SCV ) .


  18. Conclusions Electromyography , especially for SCV of superficial sural nerve , can rise the diagnostic rate of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes patients who were first time diagnosed .


  19. Objective To compare the value of pacemaker implantation through the subclavian vein ( SCV ) puncture and the cephalic vein ( CV ) cutdown approach .


  20. H reflex and SCV are more sensitive than MCV . The abnormality rate of NCV and H reflex in DM group was 46 % ~ 72 % .


  21. The scores of incision and pocket given by the patients in SCV group were higher than those in CV group ( 2.24 ± 0.56 vs 1.92 ± 0.57 , P < 0.01 ) .


  22. Objective To explore the effects of lead exposure on somatosensory evoked potential ( SEP ), motor nervous conduction velocity ( MCV ) and sense nervous conduction velocity ( SCV ) in rabbits .


  23. Results The abnormal rate from median nerve in the middle finger was 50 % . The abnormal rate of the difference in SCV between median and ulnar nerve in the ring finger was 84.6 % .


  24. AIM : To investigate the normative value of motor nerve conduction velocity ( MCV ) and sensory nerve conduction velocity ( SCV ) of healthy adults and to provide evidence for diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy .


  25. The analytical formula for deuteron-nucleus microscopic optical potentials is derived using the mass operator method of Green function , and the nucleon density distributions of target nuclei are determined with the semiclassical variation ( SCV ) approach .


  26. The symptoms disappeared in 20 % patients , obviously improved in40 % and improved in 33.3 % . RESULTS After the treatment , Puerarin for injection significantly relieved the symptoms and MCV / SCV associated with the disease .


  27. MCV and SCV of the peripheral newes in the extremities were measured in 30 diabetics , 22 ( 70 . 33 % ) of whom were found with diabetic peripheral neuropathy .


  28. Bridge veins usually occur in the branches of SCV except the left central vein . The incidence of the bridge vein in the left and right frontopolar veins is thehighest ( 50 ~ 60 % ) .


  29. The clinical symptoms , the nerve reflex and the sensory conduction velocity ( SCV ) of median nerve , tibial nerve and lateral popliteal nerve were observed in each group before , 1 month and 2 months cost treatment respectively .


  30. Results MCV and SCV of MS patients were slow in different degree ; the abnormality percentage of MCV was higher than the one of SCV . The NCV results indicated that axonal damages were more significant than demyelination .
