September 11 Attacks

It has released many formerly-secret documents about the September 11 attacks .
Pen Conversations on the September 11 Attacks And West Asia and Africa
Just eight days later , the September 11 attacks on the world trade center sent the world reeling .
He explained that six or seven drafts of the novel had already been submitted when the September 11 attacks happened .
Yet Prince Bandar could not protect Saudi Arabia from America 's wrath after the September 11 attacks .
Bush enjoyed a burst of popularity after the September 11 attacks and the initially successful invasion of Afghanistan .
After the September 11 Attacks , the US-led military strikes on Taliban regime made the refugee problems even worse .
In 2001 , Congress authorized any U.S. president to use military force against groups that participated in the September 11 attacks on America .
International community has preliminarily established Global Anti-terrorism Mechanism and made some preventive and sanction measures to combating terrorist financing following the September 11 attacks .
However , the number of refugees admitted to the U.S reached " historically low levels " in the year following the September 11 attacks in 2001 .
I asked Benedict Lawson , investment adviser at Seven Investment Management , whether financial markets are in any sense still suffering from the impact of the September 11 attacks .
Following that he went on a combat tour to Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks and served as a platoon commander and observer in Iraq .
The so-called " Doha " round of talks were begun mainly as a gesture of global solidarity in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks in 2001 .
Surely the best example of a shock affecting a political movement , I say , is the devastating effect of the September 11 attacks on the nascent anti-globalisation campaigns ?
Business schools would do well to learn a lesson from the September 11 attacks ; air traffic controllers achieved the unprecedented in landing all 4500 commercial and general aviation aircraft in the US safely .
Congress told the Homeland Security department to create the electronic system for travel authorisation system to help bolster the visa waiver programme in the wake of the September 11 attacks on the US .
After the September 11 attacks in the USA , the potential threats arises from nuclear terrorism , and the importance of evaluation on PPS is taken note of by exert and media .
And after the September 11 attacks in his first year in office Mr Bush waged War on Terrorism , ordered an assault on Afghanistan that year and marched into Iraq in 2003 .
One was access to talent : Dow was finding it increasingly difficult to recruit Chinese researchers to work in the US because of the tightening of visa restrictions that followed the September 11 attacks of 2001 .
The last time annual growth in trade went negative was in 2001 , when the shallow US recession that followed the bursting of the technology bubble and the shock of the September 11 attacks caused global commerce to contract .
The outbreak of the SARS epidemic in China and other regions of the world once again has challenged the traditional concept of national security after the September 11 attacks , bringing the topic of human security to the fore .
After the September 11 Attacks , a debate between the border security and immigration policies appears in the United States . And from the debate , the idea that illegal immigration produces the terrorism has emerged .
" 24 " premiered on airwaves in November 2001 , shortly after the September 11 attacks in the United States , and over the course of eight seasons , its stories often echoed real-life events and controversies .
The Australian bond market has always had potential , according to bankers , but it seems a turning point came in 2003 as the markets began to emerge from the shadows of the dotcom collapse in 2000 and the September 11 attacks in 2001 .
In the response to the September 11 2001 attacks , many constitutional bulwarks were breached .
The American public suffers acutely from the devastating psychological and spiritual shock of the September 11 terrorist attacks .
Applications from international students fell after the State Department imposed restrictions on foreign students in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks .
In terms of media drama , the hostage crisis had parallels with the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US .
A Saudi analyst says this was a factor for the kingdom after the September 11 2001 attacks on the US strained relations with traditional allies in the west .
After the September 11 terrorist attacks , a new role as first responders to terrorist incidents and primary gatherers of intelligence has emerged for local police departments of U.S.A.