State Religion

美 [steɪt rɪˈlɪdʒən]英 [steɪt rɪˈlɪdʒən]
  • 网络国教;国家宗教
State ReligionState Religion
  1. The state religion early lost its appeal for the Romans .


  2. On the Regality and Divine Right in the State Religion of Han Dynasty


  3. Most people only paid lip service to the state religion .


  4. So Australia is a country which has many different religions but hasn ta state religion .


  5. The branch of Shinto recognized as the official state religion of Japan .


  6. Yet , because of American independence in matters of belief , there is no established state religion .


  7. The reasons that Rose introduced Christianity of Byzantium as the state religion mainly have three respects .


  8. Shiism as a state religion means to be predominant culture of Iranian tradition .


  9. This paper points out that the sixth chapter reasonable pluralism of state religion , including social historical conditions and individual subjective conditions .


  10. Of or pertaining to the branch of Shinto recognized as the state religion of japan .


  11. His research is full of theoretical and practical significance for us to understand the genesis and development about our state religion and the problem concerned .


  12. It rooted deeply in the source of Chinese culture and its tradition , especially in state religion & its core national fete system .


  13. First of all , the Empire has undergone Christianization since 392 AD when the Christianity became the state religion .


  14. But what is worth mentioning , after Buddhism was accepted , it developed to the state religion with the fast and safe speed .


  15. The official state religion was Taoism as a result of the influence of Kou Chien Chih .


  16. The state religion in Han Dynasty was founded by reforming the traditional religion of the longstanding patriarchal clan system with confucianism .


  17. Lutheranism is the official state religion of Sweden but very few Swedes have an interest in God .


  18. It is spread in Japan and the Korean Peninsula later than in China , but it has become political Buddhism as well as a state religion then .


  19. Roman Catholicism is established by law as the official state religion , however , full liberty of conscience and freedom of worship is guaranteed .


  20. Even though there is no state religion in America , there is a large , beautiful religious center in the nation 's capital called the Washington National Cathedral .


  21. Now , Professor Kang Xiaoguang , an outspoken scholar at Beijing 's Renmin University , argues that Confucianism should become China 's state religion .


  22. Kang Youwei and " Kongjiao Pai " transformed Confucianism into religion and advocated the religions Confucianism becoming the state religion .


  23. Contemporary Russia has long been a theologian asserted : " Russian culture is born in the church . " Russian Orthodox Church is the state religion , Christianity is one of the three factions of the Russian culture and national spirit , temperament has a huge impact .


  24. Abstract In ancient China , the relationship between the state and religion was actually the relationship between the power of Emperor and Divine power .


  25. Religions : No state recognized religion , religious affiliation is an individual choice , and is protected by law .


  26. Xi said such legislation " violates the principle of separation of State and religion " and if the bill is enacted , it will interfere with the practices of religious followers in different regions and may threaten " China 's national security strategy . "


  27. Folk Religion and the State Policy on Religion


  28. Do you conform to your state 's official religion ?


  29. Do you conform to your state 's official religion ? a building for religious assembly ( especially Nonconformists ( e.g. Quakers )) .


  30. In order to attain Nirvana , the highest possible and most desirable state in the religion , adherents of Buddha were required to completely extinguish their ego , free themselves from aversion and desire .
