After Dallas we went to Stetson University in Florida ;
A jockey enthusiastically presented a Stetson horseman hat to the distinguished Chinese guest .
Salveson Stetson also studied human resources and finance pay jumps , which are seeing average increases of 16 % and 26 % respectively .
He is holding his stetson , which is impossible if his wrist is shattered .
An analysis by salveson Stetson of compensation data from the past six years found that job-switching senior managers ' starting pay plummeted by 56 % during the downturn .
Cal chided , tossing his Stetson onto the sofa beside her as he hooked a wing chair and sat down in it , with a pretty candy dish in his lap to serve as an ashtray .
Even John Muir , known as the father of the national parks , is being revived by the actor Lee Stetson , who will answer audience questions about the park and its history at the Yosemite Theater as part of the park 's new theatrical programming .