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  • 网络热中子成像系统(Thermal Neutron Imaging System)
  1. Tnis is the result of a wrong idea that hydroelectric construction needs longer time and larger investment than thermal power station .


  2. In tnis paper a simple mathematical model is proposed to simulate the heat transfer processes in blast-contact freezer .


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  4. In tnis paper , a new model of fluid flow in an infinite multi layered reservoir is established by setting up a new form of well bore boundary condition .


  5. Tnis paper introduces the concept of the joint singular value in the commutative matrix and discusses the relation between the joint singular value and the joint eigenvalue .


  6. Tnis article studied the mechanism of colour aPPearence , the Production control of cadmium-selenium red glaze under high-temP ( 1160 ℃ - 1190 ℃)


  7. Tnis paper analyses various influential factors of winning-bid opportunities in the bidding for construction work , and gives the grade standards of the influence degree . There after , the index system for the comprehensive evaluation is established .


  8. An elementary proof of an operational property of pure function in a matrix is dealt with by means of the polynomial expression in tnis article , i. e. Let A be an nxn-matrix in complex field .


  9. In tnis paper an analytical method is proposed to predict the distribu-tion of the rate of entropy generation per unit volume in the boundary layer by means of the simultaneous solution of continuity , momentum , energy and entropy differential equations .
