Translation Agency

After graduating in 1988 he taught English for five years before setting up a translation agency .
Once documentation is ready , it is sent to a translation agency or several independent translators .
If a glossary is made available to a translator or translation agency , it should be in a useful format .
Once the translation agency returns a translated XML document , all strings are reinserted in the original document .
In his spare time , friends say , he co-founded a translation agency , sold medicine and dabbled in stocks .
This is often handled by the translation agency or third-party specialists because , generally , these specialists are equipped to deal with multiple languages .
He became a teacher , but soon gave up what was widely regarded as a safe and reputable profession to set up his own business , a translation agency , in 1994 .
Initial Chinese excursions into UK business , according to Kevin Lin , owner of KL communications , a translation agency , consisted of establishing representative offices and making opportunistic takeovers .
Norms underlying social and cultural establishment regulate the practice of translation as an agency since acceptability remains the primary concern of most translators .
If they have been translated then a copy of the original must be supplied along with the translation and both must have been verified by an official translation agency or by your embassy as authentic .