- abbr.索马里联合阵线(United Somalia Front);美国舰队(United States Fleet);美国部队(United States Forces)

The influence of flow type in blast furnace cooling system to USF
More than 200 students from China requested an interview with USF last year .
Analysis of Methods of USF Information Warfare
The USF researchers are among the first to look at what effect innate immunity gone awry in rheumatoid arthritis may play in protecting against Alzheimer 's disease .
Experiments on USF dataset show that the recognition rate by using symmetry feature with frequency feature and proportion of body is higher than only exploiting the frequency feature and the proportion .
Beetle capture per 100 traps per day was gradually increased from USF , MSF , NAF to NRF , but evenness was opposite .
The idea came from USF President Paul Fitzgerald 's belief that standardized tests like the SAT are not very good predictors of how well students will do at the university .
Seventy-four of them were selected for a follow-up interview , 44 received offers and 20 accepted the invitation and joined USF for the 2015 fall semester .
Describe the main characteristics of USF information collection in detail , ie the information collects integrated in the sea , ground , air and space , processing as well as mutual information transferring in real time .
The USF Health Byrd Alzheimer 's Institute plans to begin a pilot clinical trial later this year investigating GM-CSF ( Leukine ) in patients with mild or moderate Alzheimer 's disease .
Describe and conclude the main methods of USF information warfare , ie , seizing space commanding point with means of the space reconnaissance , air reconnaissance and robot aircraft reconnaissance , and the important features of detecting covered all zone .