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  • 网络超大型数据库;超大规模数据库;大型数据库;超大型数据库国际会议;数据库
  1. Upon the construction demanding of the current VLDB , this article brings forward some rational methods based on the pressure test of the VLDB and large amount of practical experience .


  2. Volume location server ( vlserver ) & Maintains volume location database ( VLDB ) to track all information about volumes and their location on a file server .


  3. What is really needed is a way for ACID systems to scale on shared-nothing architectures , and that is what we address in the research paper that we will present at VLDB this month .


  4. Ubik protocol helps to replicate databases such as VLDB , ADB and PDB consistently across multiple server machines to improve their availability and share access loads among replication sites .
