N-COUNT (18和19世纪致力于政治和社会改革的)辉格党成员
A Whig was a member of a British political party in the 18th and 19th centuries that was in favour of political and social changes. -
N-COUNT (美国)独立战争的支持者
In the American Revolution, a Whig was an American who supported the revolution against the British. -
N-COUNT (美国19世纪的想要限制总统权力的)政党成员
A Whig was a member of an American political party in the 19th century that wanted to limit the powers of the President.
Section two discusses the attitude of Whig to the political issues during this period .
The Whig was gradually formed in this process .
It is a phrase that would have satisfied the first Whig , St.
I never yet could ascertain properly whether you are a Whig or a Troy .
As president , Fillmore dealt with increasing party divisions within the Whig party ;
Chapter One describes the political ideology of Whig in the " Exclusion Bill Crisis " period ( 1679-1681 ) .
A member of the Whig Party in the US in pre-Civil-War times .
Just before the Civil War , the Whig political party was making a last effort to remain a part of American political life .
He began by pouring ridicule on the whig leader .
It absorbed most of the dissenters from the dying Whig Party .
( 1676-1745 ) English Whig statesman who ( under George I ) was effectively the first British prime minister .
The political party that best represented progressive Protestantism in the three decades prior to the Civil War was the Whig Party .
As president , Fillmore dealt with increasing party divisions within the Whig Party ; Party Harmony became one of his primary objectives .
So , party leaders thought that if any Whig could be elected president , it was Winfield Scott .
The Whig were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Nonconformists .
Sought the Whig nomination in 1852 , but lost to Winfield Scott .
In 1850 , he moved to Cincinnati , where he flourished as a young Whig lawyer .
It was a strange conjunction-the prim serious young Queen and the elderly , cynical Whig .
So , the Whig party decided to nominate him for the presidency , even though no one knew anything about where he stood on the issues .
At the same time , the opposing Whig Party made use of OK to denigrate Van Buren 's political mentor Andrew Jackson .
Fellow Whig MPs Richard Sheridan and Charles James Fox disagreed with Burke and split with him .
On the extraction of Rhodiola , the conditions were optimized by the orthographic design among the folio whig effecting factors : extracting solvent , extracting time and times .
Streptomyces whiG gene is a key gene encoding a developmentally important RNA polymerase sigma factor ( awhiG ), which specifically initiates development program and determines the developmental fate of the cell .
For it was the leading thinkers of the Whig and Marxist historical determinist school who infected mankind with the concept that we were progressing somewhere , moving towards a fixed , positive future point .
Each ACOS task is the smallest thread of execution which can compete on its own for system resources , it may exist in one of the folio whig five states : executing , ready , blocked , dormant , non-existent .
He and Whig leader Henry Clay had disagreed over the necessity of the special session ( which Harrison opposed , but Clay desired in order to immediately get his economic agenda underway ) , but Clay 's powerful position in both the legislature and the Whig Party quickly forced Harrison to give in .