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  • 网络可扩展链接;链接语言;语言;连接语言;链接和联合资源
  1. Note the use of the target = new attribute in the polygon 's xlink .


  2. However XLink has not proved generally popular as a core technology , and is not widely supported .


  3. Use it along with an xlink : href attribute to establish a link .


  4. This element is a modified XLink , which contains attributes describing the title , target , role and purpose of the resource .


  5. XBRL documents rise on a foundation of semantics organized into taxonomies and other metadata , using XLink .


  6. Nevertheless , XLink is important for being at the center of many important XML-related projects and it allows for much richer linking than basic , one-way HTML links .


  7. XML Linking Language ( XLink ) is a generic framework for expressing links in XML documents , to complete its placement in hypertext systems such as the Web .


  8. At present there 's very little research on XLink in our country , and the application of itis even less , and almost no materials of detailed description of its function can be found .


  9. To express these multiple arcs , you give the end-points " marks " or " labels ", using an element of XLink type " locator " .


  10. For example , the developers of XHTML ( covered in this series ) decided not to use XLink and instead created their own system called HLink [ in development ] .


  11. RDDL uses XHTML to provide prose descriptions of the vocabulary with embedded XLink ( covered in this article ) to provide pointers to key resources for helping understand or process the namespace .


  12. The most important thing you have to remember about XLink when working with XBRL is that a link can occur on any element , unlike , say , HTML where links are expressed through a or link elements .
