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  1. In addition , they have a17 % higher specific modulus than current high strength aluminum alloys .


  2. A17 + rating is required for apps which include content such as intense offensive language ;


  3. Best Buy forecast a decline of5 % to15 % , and Intel a17 % drop .


  4. Ford suffered a17 % drop in truck sales but reported higher sales of small and midsize cars and crossovers .


  5. By substituting the Bayer antibiotic moxifloxacin for an older drug , researchers said they saw a17 percent increase in effectiveness .


  6. The price is a17 per cent premium to Rothmans '20-day volume-weighted average trading price on the Toronto Stock Exchange .


  7. Hi my name is Mountaga Kane , and I am a17 year old digital artist living in Pennsylvania .


  8. There followed a17 year period with the Brabham Formula One team and an18 year period at McLaren in both Formula One and Road Car Design .


  9. The third case is a17 year-old female residing in Son Duong District , Tuyen Quang Province .


  10. There was also about a17 percent decrease in the infections that start in people outside the hospital , but are in people that have contact with the health care system .


  11. There has a17 % error on reconstruction of energy among different experiments , but the all particles spectra are basic consistent in a permissible error range among different experiments .


  12. I think the latter is the case , since I don 't think the PID itself , controlling water in a17 litre boiler , can make those kind of instant changes .


  13. Moody 's , a rating agency in which Warren Buffett 's investment company owns a17 % stake , is certainly in fine fettle .


  14. HX machine like the Aurelia with a17 litre boiler needs a lot more time , especially since we 're dealing with pressurized water in temperatures far above boiling .


  15. In another positive sign , Wells said it saw a17 percent increase in new loans to businesses and consumers as mortgage applications reached the second-highest level in the bank 's history .


  16. Huck says there was a detour with a boho barista , but then he realised he 's a17 year old billionaire .


  17. Now my husband was sitting in the parking lot of motor vehicles fuming mad at his mother , and with a17 yr old crying her eyes out next to him .


  18. The study revealed the H5N1 flu strain caused a17 percent loss of the same neurons lost in Parkinson 's as well as accumulation in certain brain cells of a protein implicated in both diseases .


  19. The second case was about a17 years old boy , who was caught by the police on duty due to selling pirated discs , and the amount of case was500 HKD .


  20. In aggregate , the24 state outfits in the top100 generated a17 % return on equity last financial year , on a par with the private sector , and profits almost doubled in the past five years .


  21. Overall men had a21 % higher risk of death when their wife died compared with a17 % increase for a wife after her husband 's death-a phenomena the team termed the " widower effect " .


  22. Luxury conglomerate LVMH Mo ë t Hennessy Louis Vuitton reported a17 % increase in sales for the first quarter , with gains in all categories , including fashion , leather goods , watches and jewelry .


  23. When the great Billy Liddell was retiring , he was quizzed about his successor and offered a prompt reply : " There is a17 year old called Ian Callaghan who looks like taking over from me . "
