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  1. I came back to the Shanghai office last October and joined A27 as the department head .


  2. With patients receiving the three different treatments , average survival was10 months with a27 % overall survival rate at three years .


  3. A case of a27 & year old man who developed anemia after fracture of sella turcica is reported .


  4. Another study showed that a reduction of62 percent in tobacco consumption was associated with only a27 percent reduction in lung cancer risk .


  5. I am a27 year old American boy , studying at Hainan University , and I would like to offer myself as a private English tutor for1 on1 instruction .


  6. According to a calculation by Goldman Sachs , it would take a27 per cent fall in the dollar 's trade-weighted exchange rate to reduce the US current account deficit by half .


  7. The case was identified as a27 year-old fisherman working in the Gambia ( Tandji locality ) who presented with clinical symptoms of fever and jaundice .


  8. Chongqing Evening News recently ran a story about Li Chunxiao , a27 year-old pregnant woman who was diagnosed with depression brought on by the fear of becoming a'child slave .


  9. In obese mice , treatment with bupropion , naltrexone or the combination resulted in a27 % , 49 % and94 % reduction of food intake , respectively .


  10. Wang Xiyuan , a27 year-old Beijing office worker sitting on Du 's faithful replica of Central Perk 's iconic orange couch , was unable to afford her own place until recently .
