
美 [əˈkaʊnts]英 [əˈkaʊnts]
  • n.账户;账目;赊购;赊销账;赊欠账
  • v.认为是;视为
  • account的第三人称单数和复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT (银行等的)账户
    If you have an account with a bank or a similar organization, you have an arrangement to leave your money there and take some out when you need it.

    Some banks make it difficult to open an account...


  • 2
    N-COUNT 固定客户,老主顾(尤指公司)
    In business, a regular customer of a company can be referred to as an account, especially when the customer is another company.

    Biggart Donald, the Glasgow-based marketing agency, has won two Edinburgh accounts.


  • 3
    N-COUNT 账;账目
    Accounts are detailed records of all the money that a person or business receives and spends.

    He kept detailed accounts.


  • 4
    N-COUNT (书面或口头的)记述,描述,陈述,报告
    An account is a written or spoken report of something that has happened.

    He gave a detailed account of what happened on the fateful night...


  • 5
    N-COUNT 解释;说明
    An account of something is a theory which is intended to explain or describe it.

    This basic utilitarian model gives a relatively unsophisticated account of human behaviour...


  • 6
    VERB 把…视作;认为
    If you say that something is accounted a particular thing, you are reporting someone's judgment or opinion that it is that thing.

    The opening day of the battle was, nevertheless, accounted a success.


  • 7
    See also:accounting;bank account;current account;deposit account;joint

  • 8
    不要混淆 account 和 bill。account 指可存钱、取钱的银行账户。bill 指账单,如电费或餐费账单。

  • 9
    PHRASE 根据各种说法
    If you say that something is true by all accounts or from all accounts, you believe it is true because other people say so.

    He is, by all accounts, a superb teacher.


  • 10
    PHRASE (尽管未必大获全胜但)出色地表现(自己)
    If you say that someone gave a good account of themselves in a particular situation, you mean that they performed well, although they may not have been completely successful.

    The team fought hard and gave a good account of themselves.


  • 11
    PHRASE 毫不重要;无足轻重
    If you say that something is of no account or of little account, you mean that it is very unimportant and is not worth considering.

    These obscure groups were of little account in national politics.


  • 12
    PHRASE 以赊账方式;以分期付款方式
    If you buy or pay for something on account, you pay nothing or only part of the cost at first, and pay the rest later.

    He bought two bottles of vodka on account.


  • 13
    PREP-PHRASE 因为;由于
    You use on account of to introduce the reason or explanation for something.

    The President declined to deliver the speech himself, on account of a sore throat...


  • 14
    PHRASE 从(某人的)角度;(尤指)设想处于(某人的)情况
    Your feelings on someone's account are the feelings you have about what they have experienced or might experience, especially when you imagine yourself to be in their situation.

    Mollie told me what she'd done and I was really scared on her account.


  • 15
    PHRASE 因为(某人的)缘故
    If you tell someone not to do something on your account, you mean that they should do it only if they want to, and not because they think it will please you.

    Don't leave on my account.


  • 16
    PHRASE 绝不;切勿
    If you say that something should on no account be done, you are emphasizing that it should not be done under any circumstances.

    On no account should the mixture boil.


  • 17
    PHRASE 为了那个/这个缘故
    You can use on that account or on this account when you want to say that something happens for the reason you have just mentioned.

    Wine is radioactive but few people stop drinking it on that account.


  • 18
    PHRASE 根据(某人)自己的说法
    If you say that something concerning a particular person is true by his or her own account, you mean that you believe it because that person has said it is true.

    He was by his own account an ambitious workaholic.


  • 19
    PHRASE 作为个人地;为自身利益地
    If you take part in a business activity on your own account, you do it for yourself, and not as a representative or employee of a company.

    She had plans to set up in business on her own account.


  • 20
    PHRASE 自主自愿地;责任自负地
    If you do something on your own account, you do it because you want to and without being asked, and you take responsibility for your own action.

    I told him if he withdrew it was on his own account.


  • 21
    PHR-RECIP (与敌人或对手)决战,算账,了结恩怨
    To settle accounts with an enemy or opponent means to bring your fight or quarrel to an end by defeating them.

    ...until the great day came when the Germans could finally settle accounts with the British...


  • 22
    PHRASE 考虑到;把…计算在内
    If you take something into account, or take account of something, you consider it when you are thinking about a situation or deciding what to do.

    The defendant asked for 21 similar offences to be taken into account...


  • 23
    PHRASE (对所做的错事)被要求解释并遭斥责,被问责
    If someone is called, held, or brought to account for something they have done wrong, they are made to explain why they did it, and are often criticized or punished for it.

    Ministers should be called to account for their actions.


  1. She salted away the profits in foreign bank accounts .


  2. She has a fortune stashed away in various bank accounts .


  3. People often give very different accounts of the same event .


  4. I 'd like to pay some money into my account .


  5. How can I transfer money from my bank account to his ?


  6. The agency has lost several of its most important accounts .


  7. Good financial accounts are vital to the success of any enterprise .


  8. You need just one pound to open a bank account with us .


  9. The team gave a good account of themselves in the match .


  10. You 'll be paid by direct credit into your bank account .


  11. Personal characteristics , such as age and sex are taken into account .


  12. I want to keep my Swiss bank account open .


  13. What is your account number , please ?


  14. She gave the police a full account of the incident .


  15. This account gives you instant access to your money .


  16. I don 't have a bank account .


  17. The children gave a confused account of what had happened .


  18. I opened a savings account at my local bank .


  19. She works with us in Accounts , for her sins !


  20. Put it on my account please .


  21. You can withdraw money from the account at any time without penalty .


  22. What 's your account number please ?


  23. He 's made a real dog 's breakfast of these accounts .


  24. Does the bank charge a fee for setting up the account ?


  25. Your account of the accident does not agree with hers .


  26. Keeping the accounts is part and parcel of my job .


  27. Can I draw $ 80 out of my account ?


  28. This is , of necessity , a brief and incomplete account .


  29. He worked his way up from messenger boy to account executive .


  30. He gave us a very sketchy account of his visit .
