
美 [ˈeɪsɪŋ]英 [ˈeɪsɪŋ]
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  1. Up to 4 years relevant experience on budget , cost acing report analysis . 4


  2. Ian : I always think of happy thoughts . Imagine yourself acing the test .


  3. But having a job search elevator pitch is a really important part of acing the interview .


  4. But having a job search " elevator pitch " is a really important part of acing the interview .


  5. Molly : I am serious about acing the test , but I am already smart enough .


  6. And ended up acing the test !


  7. He is always acing up his sleeve , and takes others by surpriseat last .


  8. Prepare the Daily cash and bank payments ; Make acing vouchers including cash on hand , cash in bank and any transfer .


  9. But some in the country are questioning whether acing the exam is all it 's cracked up to be .


  10. Job duties : responsible for day-to-day income and expenditure acing of our company , Qingdao headquarters to coordinate the monthly acing ;


  11. With the continuous deepening of the financial system reform in China , Commercial Banks is acing more and more fierce competition in the financial market . The ways to obtain the profit need transform .


  12. The best way to stay in the " sweet spot , " Dr. Moser says , is to channel the anxiety into productive activity - like studying and acing the test .


  13. Although it is important to provide a great first impression to a potential employer , as well as acing the basics of a job interview , closing the interview strong is just as important .


  14. This means that the odds of acing the SAT by guessing are worse than the odds of every living ex-President and every member of the main cast of Firefly all being independently struck by lightning ... on the same day .


  15. CONCLUSION : The symptoms of the patients with IBS may be remitted with above-mentioned drugs , included otilonium bromide selectively acing upon the type of abdominal pain , and colloidal bismuth and diphenoxylate being more effectively for the diarrheal type of IBS .
