- adj.形容词的;形容词性的

There are adjectival suffixes in both English and Korean , and these suffixes are able to compose derived adjectives .
This dissertation , based upon the typological theories on word classes , makes a contrastive study of syntactic and semantic features of adjectival class in Chinese and English and identifies the linguistic property of adjectival class in both languages .
The structure of adjectival groups in english .
Ambiguity resulting from multiple adjectival modifications is also examined in this thesis .
A Study on the Conceptualization of the Meaning of Adjectival Compounds in English
Adjectival verb is a very common form in Russian .
The Criteria for the Independent Existence of the Adjectival Category
Adjectival Indirect Attribute of Modern Chinese Inspects
Quantitative Analysis of Adjectival Present Participle in NEC
On the Rules for Writing Adjectival Modifiers in the Mineralogical Nomenclature in Chinese
The valence theory of cognitive grammar provides a powerful explanation to the semantic construction of the English adjectival syntactic construction .
Pragmatic constraints on English adjectival past participles
As a result , the absence of a specialized adjectival class in Chinese constitutes a sharp contrast with adjective in English .
The different semantics of the adjectival syntactic construction is closely related to the different ways language users conceptualize the entities or the events .
It is also used in adjectival compounds " Aeroplane " is a hybrid which is made from a Greek word and a Latin one .
However , after thorough investigation and multidimensional analysis , the author comes to the conclusion that they should be judged as adjectival forms in nature .
The adjectival form of " restore " is " restorative " and " restoration " is the noun form .
A Corpus-based Comparative Study on English and Chinese Adjectival Opposites ; Antonymy in Lexicon and Its Revelations on Lexicology Teaching
The last is transitional positioning , including transition from monosyllabic adjectival antonyms to repeated internal structure and that from different sentence elements to external functions .
Based on the previous analyses , this thesis aims to explain the ambiguity resulting from Chinese adjectival modifications from the perspectives of syntax and semantics .
This paper discusses the confusion in writing forms of adjectival modifiers for mineralogical nomenclature , especially in Chinese , and analyses the reasons resulting in this situation .
It may be put behind status adjectival modifiers and become an auxiliary word of structure whose grammatical function is equal to de_2 . it may be put behind topic structures and become a topic marker .
A function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word .
Through qualitative and quantitative analysis , the thesis figures that this fiction is of an adjectival style and analyzes the stylistic features of adjectives and nouns in it . Finally , rhetorical features of the fiction are analyzed .
Chapter 3 analyzes and classifies the system of modern Chinese sentences with the criterion of constituent order and indicates that Chinese dynamic sentences are based on three basic sentences : the basic nounal predicate sentence , the basic adjectival predicate sentence and the basic verbal predicate sentence .
Secondly , almost all the verbal phrases and adjectival phrases can act as complement , and other phrases like adverbs , noun , quantifier phrases , some prepositional phrases and subject-predicate phrases , even compound sentence can act as complement too ;
Compared with " mae / maeni ",( 1 ) " maekara " features more negative forms in its subordinate clause , and its main clause more often takes the form of " siteiru " or nominal or adjectival predicates ;