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  • 网络收养;精度因子;姿态精度因子;模糊度精度衰减因子;石骨症
  1. There is also a need to abstract identity through externalization and the ubiquitous adop ­ tion of open standards .


  2. The green body made by this machine can adop toast either at not wind rotary stoves or the tunnel stoves .


  3. IT decision makers who have adopted one or more cloud applications are more bullish on the technology and more aggressive in their near-term and long-term adop ­ tion plans than the overall market .


  4. The results show that it is economical and feasible to adop the post-stressed concrete berthing pile to prevent the dock from impacting , and that the dock durability can be improved greatly .


  5. Composting method is determined to adopt in treating the urban garbage and animal excrement of FuXin on the basis of studying and analyzing a lot of document references , and also adop atatic aerobic composting after the detailed analysis and comparison of several composting techniques .
