TD-SCDMA , by contrast , already risks being labelled as an also-ran .
He is an also-ran in every swimming contest .
But progress remains a struggle ; Motorola is still an also-ran in global market share by units and by revenue .
Long regarded as an also-ran in America , it has undergone a remarkable turnaround and seen sales surge .
I asked them , " why did Nokia fall from industry leadership to also-ran status in the space of less than five years ? "
The aim is to do a Vodafone by using an also-ran carrier as a vehicle to disrupt an entire sector .
The aim is to " do a Vodafone " by using an also-ran carrier as a vehicle to disrupt an entire sector .
In January we hit 5 % . No longer are we disrespecting our paychecks , treating employment income as an also-ran source of wealth .
They have persisted in chasing over-optimistic returns and paying sky-high salaries , arguing that to do otherwise would condemn their banks to also-ran status .
Emboldened by the recall crisis , competitors spread word that Toyota , once considered the unstoppable force of the automotive world , had been reduced to the status of also-ran .
Surely it is better to be a local hero , feted in a modest way , rather than a disappointed also-ran who tried but failed to make it to the absolute top .
But what today looks like a masterstroke that has catapulted BarCap from being an also-ran on Wall Street into a credible competitor could easily have turned out disastrously .
Spurs-They are caught in a weird place * their playoff run ( upset of2nd seed , but swept by3rd seed ) leaves many questions about whether they 're a contender or also-ran .
Since 1993 , when Lee Kun-hee , its chairman , declared the new management initiative that transformed it from a consumerelectronics also-ran to a world-beater , it has marched very rapidly in thedirection set by its leaders .