
  • 网络天野
  1. Amano also voiced concerns about Iran 's nuclear activities .


  2. Mr Amano now wants improved coordination among experts during the early stages of a nuclear crisis .


  3. Salehi added that Iran hopes that Amano will change his approach .


  4. Amano said IAEA staff will meet with Syrian officials on the matter in October .


  5. But Mr Amano added his voice to those nuclear experts playing down the risk of a catastrophic event .


  6. Amano made his comments in his opening address to a meeting of the IAEA's35-member board of governors Monday .


  7. Yukiya Amano was speaking at an emergency meeting at the IAEA .


  8. XXX raw material imports from Japan Amano Co. , Ltd. , which is one of the best effect varieties in low polyose .


  9. Amano did say Tehran had been more open about some of its activities during a recent IAEA visit of its facilities .


  10. IAEA chief Yukio Amano gave an update on the Fukushima disaster as he opened the meeting on Monday .


  11. Although Mr Amano insists he is independent-minded , some IAEA Member States believe he is a creature of the US .


  12. IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano is frustrated :


  13. During the visit , Masaya Amano met with Liu Quan , vice director of the Department of Commerce of Hunan Province .


  14. Yukiya Amano , a veteran Japanese diplomat who heads the IAEA , said the agency was discussing details with Tokyo .


  15. He challenged Mr Amano to look into the US nuclear programme and its thousands of atomic bombs instead of releasing " untrue " reports on Iran .


  16. The deal was signed Tuesday during a visit to Beijing by Japanese diplomat Yukiya Amano , who became head of the IAEA in December .


  17. Mario Amano , OECD deputy secretary-general , said : " rapid economic development , industrialisation and urbanisation have generated severe and growing pressures on the environment . "


  18. Iran is already reacting angrily to the report , arguing that it suggests the IAEA and Mr Amano are in cahoots with Washington .


  19. The head of the IAEA , Yukiya Amano , says Iran has a case to answer about its nuclear work , but Iran insists its activities are peaceful .


  20. The head of Iran 's atomic energy agency , Ali Akbar Salehi , began the day by calling IAEA chief Yukiya Amano " biased . "


  21. Meanwhile , Yukiya Amano , director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency , met Mr Kan and other leaders and said the international community wanted more and more accurate information , more quickly from Japan .


  22. The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency , Yukiya Amano , says Iran is " not providing the necessary cooperation " and that Syria has not responded to agency queries since mid-2008 .


  23. The action plan was drawn up by IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano and endorsed by the ongoing55th General Conference of the UN watchdog in Vienna 's UN center , Xinhua reported Friday .


  24. Isamu Akasaki , 85 , and Hiroshi Amano , 54 , of Nagoya University and Shuji Nakamura , 60 , of the University of California , Santa Barbara , share the $ 1.1m prize .


  25. The remarks coincide with a meeting of the IAEA board in Vienna , which began Monday , in which Amano complained that Tehran " has not provided the agency with the necessary cooperation , " and that he could " not confirm that all nuclear material in Iran is [ being used ] in peaceful activities . "
