anthony bourdain

  • 网络安东尼·波登;伯尔顿;安东尼·伯尔顿;安东尼·布尔丹
anthony bourdainanthony bourdain
  1. He pals around with Anthony Bourdain and Rene redzepi of the renowned noma in Copenhagen .


  2. Eating ortolan is also a surreptitious pleasure beyond France : The author and chef Anthony Bourdain , in his 2010 book , " Medium Raw , " described a secret , late-night meeting of French chefs in a New York restaurant to eat ortolans .


  3. Not everyone can afford to live like Anthony Bourdain , though .


  4. TV chef Anthony Bourdain took to Twitter to vent his fury , writing : " Bullshit ! What kind of piece of shit would create such a product ?"
