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  1. ApEn and Cross-ApEn : Property , Fast Algorithm and Preliminary Application to the Study of EEG and Cognition


  2. The variations of the ApEn and the correlation dimension were calculated .


  3. We found activity in some cells called the ApEn cells .


  4. Result Average ApEn reduced with the increase of mental fatigue level .


  5. ApEn in different brain areas represents the activation of brain function with psychological task of different difficulty .


  6. Approximate entropy ( ApEn ) is a new method as quantifying the complexity of spatial-temporal .


  7. Decay signal is divided into various categories via auto power spectral density function , different ApEn methods are proposed according to different signal patterns .


  8. Conclusion ApEn as well as BIS is acceptable for predicting consciousness and unconsciousness produced by TCI propofol .


  9. The statistical analysis result showed that EEG rhythm and emotional state can significantly affect the LZC and ApEn ( p0.05 ) .


  10. Unilateral vagotomy decreased ApEn , right vagotomy increased LF / HF ratio but left vagotomy did not ;


  11. ResultsD_2 and ApEn increased significantly during mental tasks as compared to the rest state with eyes closed ( P < 0.01 ) .


  12. From the aspect of neuromuscular system , an analysis of the internal physiological meaning of muscle fatigue , the change of ApEn in accordance with fatigue are given .


  13. Under rest states , the averages of D_2 , PD_2 , Cx and ApEn at a lower level in different areas .


  14. D2 and ApEn of reduced significantly the group of cerebral infraction as compared to the group of natural comparison under eyes closed state ( P < 0.05 ) .


  15. In this article , the authors normalized approximate entropy ( ApEn ) and C0 complexity that were most suitable for complexity analysis of biomedical signals .


  16. The experiment indicates the ApEn of EEG can measure the depth of anesthesia . The algorithm is simple enough and suitable to analyze the biomedical signal such as EEG .


  17. In this paper , a fast algorithm of dynamic Approximate Entropy ( ApEn ) is presented , which can describe the nonlinear characteristics of signals with limited data and shorten computing time greatly .


  18. Detection and Analysis of Brain Injury with APEN based Measure The HOC methods are shown to be effective in detecting hypoxic / asphyxic injuries as well as assessing the severity of the injury .


  19. The heart rate ApEn of the athletes during supine control and early stage of LBNP testing was significantly lower ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.05 ) than that of the students before training .


  20. In this approach , approximate entropy ( ApEn ) and norm entropy ( NoEn ) constituted feature vector , and neural network based classifiers were designed to identify radar emitter signals automatically .


  21. OBJECTIVE : To analyze the electric characteristics of EEG signal in the epileptic seizures in rat model by investigating the nonlinear dynamical variables , such as the approximate entropy ( ApEn ) and correlation dimension .


  22. Integrated with intra operation memory test based on process dissociation procedure , the EEG derived parameters correlation dimension ( D 2 ) and approximate entropy ( ApEn ) nonlinear indexes were calculated simultaneously during the whole operation .


  23. A new statistical method to measure complexity of sequences is introduced in this paper Approximate Entropy ( ApEn ) . It was used to study sleep brain EEG . Approximate Entropy features were extracted at different stages of sleep .


  24. With the method of ApEn , we calculated the ApEn of bifurcate data got from model of R-H. We found the ApEn of chaos is obviously higher than that of period 2 and 3 .


  25. The results showed that after a six-month aerobic training , heart rate ApEn significantly decreased ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.05 ) during both supine control and -6.67kPa/30min lower body negative pressure ( LBNP ) .


  26. The Paper introduces two algorithms as a complexity measure . One is the algorithm defined by Kaspar and Schuster , the other is a recently developed statistic quantifying regularity and complexity & Approximate entropy ( ApEn ) .


  27. Here introduced is an analysis of the approximate entropy ( Apen ) characteristics of EEG ( electroencephalogram ) of AD ( Alzheimer 's disease ) patients and healthy persons of the same age in order to find the special parameters .


  28. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : In the four phases of the seizures , before seizures , preictal phase , ictal phase and postictal phases , the changes in the ApEn and correlation dimension were observed .


  29. The EEG non-linear parameters : approximate entropy ( ApEn ) and correlation dimension ( D_ ( 2 )) were recorded perioperative periods . The BP , HR , SpO_ ( 2 ) were monitored routinely .


  30. Objective To compare the unconsciousness prediction probability ( Pk ) estimated by approximate entropy ( ApEn ) and bispectral index ( BIS ) during the sedation produced by target-controlled infusion ( TCI ) of propofol .
