
美 [ˈɑːrt haʊs]英 [ˈɑːt haʊs]
  • adj.(指电影)实验性的,不公开放映的


art-house films/movies are usually made by small companies and are not usually seen by a wide audience



  • 1
    ADJ (电影)严肃的,艺术的,非娱乐性的
    An art-house film is a film that is intended to be a serious artistic work rather than a piece of popular entertainment.

    ...a quirky art-house film...


  1. The movies he made became art-house classics .


  2. The incident reflects the harsh reality for Chinese art-house films .


  3. Yes , because Chinese directors of art-house films are very capable .


  4. I don 't really like art-house films .


  5. Sarah : do you want to come see an art-house movie with me tonight ?


  6. The survey has also found that around 70 percent of the audience base for art-house films come from Beijing and Shanghai .


  7. Sarah : no.i said an art-house movie .


  8. He 's done romantic comedies , action thrillers , art-house films and martial arts films .


  9. Li Jie says this shows there is still a lot of work left to get the art-house film concept to the rest of China .


  10. It really can help to change the market structure & if the leadership takes the lead to support art-house film , audiences will be influenced .


  11. It really can help to change the market structure -- if the leadership takes the lead to support art-house film , audiences will be influenced .


  12. She 's currently in Beijing for an art-house film promotion forum , which has been held as part of the 8th Beijing International Film Festival .


  13. To be sure , these programmes are not necessarily highbrow - or not compared to your average trendy French art-house film .


  14. The Beijing-based China Film Archive is leading the alliance , which has chosen 100 cinemas in 31 major cities across the country to screen art-house films .


  15. I thought it would be awesome if it could reach 50 million yuan , because many art-house films only earn about one or two million yuan in China 's cinemas .


  16. I saw an art-house movie last night but it wasn 't very good-there were no car chases in it at all !


  17. This year , Jolie-Pitt directed and co-starred next to her husband in By the Sea , an art-house drama that critics labeled a failure .


  18. Through the deal the alliance has struck , all 100 cinemas have guaranteed they will screen art-house films at least three times a day and 10 times per week at peak times .


  19. ' He does pay a lot of attention to social reality in the film , but not deliberately showing it , ' said Mr. Fang , a veteran producer of art-house films .


  20. Before the New Year welcomes a host of fresh blockbusters , art-house offerings and Oscar hopefuls , here 's a final look at 2013 's most notable Asian films .


  21. These films may not make the art-house circuit in America , but for this cinephile at least , they are funny and sophisticated and stand head and shoulders above most mainstream Hollywood films .


  22. Mr. Wong has made a martial-arts film for people who typically wouldn 't go to see an action movie , and an art-house film for audiences who resist ambiguity in their cinematic experiences .


  23. Moving effortlessly between commercial and art-house , Cheung has dazzled Asian and European audiences with a poise and elegance reminiscent of a movie star from a bygone age .


  24. Weave throughout a smorgasbord of cultural flavours , simmering in cafes , theatres , art-house cinemas , concert halls , galleries , museums and live music venues .


  25. They have some interesting habits , such as wearing long , flowing skirts , walking around either barefooted or in canvas shoes , watching small-budget art-house movies and carrying around small camcorders .


  26. Since its release in China last month , the film has pulled in more than 100 million yuan ( $ 16.1 million ) at the domestic box office -- a notable milestone for an art-house film in the country .


  27. The original 2000 movie , which blended art-house sensibilities with kung-fu action scenes , was directed by Ang Lee and won four Academy Awards : best foreign-language film , art direction , original score and cinematography .


  28. A retrospective section will include movies produced by the Shanghai studio Wenhua , a company founded in 1946 that ushered a new era of Chinese art-house films , Zhang said , giving viewers " a glimpse of Chinese cinematic culture and history . "


  29. talking so enthusiastically about how art-house film can be seen by Chinese audiences . Working with the National Film Archive and understanding about how their art-house alliances taking film around China and the vast audience here is incredibly exciting . " China 's National Art-house Film Alliance was launched in October 2016 .


  30. now , we are understanding better how specially social media can be used and taken in art-house films to wider audiences . That 's something , that China , I think , takes a lead . " Discussing the future for art-house films , Lu Wei , Founder and CEO of Skyfilm , says he 's optimistic .
