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  1. But I 'm not sure Ayn Rand would have grooved to Nolan 's vision .


  2. In 1986 , his first wife , Barbara , told the story in the book The Passion of Ayn Rand .


  3. Nonetheless , the Ayn Rand Institute and the Objectivist Center continue their work in America , and Rand 's novels still attract a global following .


  4. Mitchell had introduced him to the work of writer and philosopher Ayn Rand : I was intellectually limited until I met her , he later wrote .


  5. Kira Ayn Varszegi , 34 , presses her paint-covered breasts against canvases , applying different colors and " brush " positions to create images .


  6. In 1989 , Mr. Branden offered his own version of the relationship in " Judgment Day : My Years With Ayn Rand . " It was not as well received as his wife 's account .


  7. Eharmony , founded in 2000 , today competes with niche sites catering for users from vegetarians to Ayn Rand fans , as well as social media and apps such as Tinder .


  8. The ideas of Ayn Rand already enters into our views , it brings a breath of fresh air to Chinese people , even with a shock , but the research into her thinking of ethics is still almost a blank .


  9. Another fair criticism of Mr Ryan , somewhat at odds with the first , is that while he may be a devotee of Ayn Rand , he has voted more like a Republican hack than a revolutionary .


  10. But The Road to Serfdom isn 't an economics book . It 's a book about society , the recent past and human nature that bears the same relation to sociology , history and psychology as Ayn Rand 's Atlas Shrugged bears to literature .
