- threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
- a baleful look
- forbidding thunderclouds
- his tone became menacing
- ominous rumblings of discontent
- sinister storm clouds
- a sinister smile
- his threatening behavior
- ugly black clouds
- the situation became ugly
- Synonym: forbidding menacing minacious minatory ominous sinister threatening
- deadly or sinister
- the Florida eagles have a fierce baleful look
- Synonym: baneful
A baleful look , influence , presence .
Baleful : we should give her powerful counterattack .
He turned his baleful glare on the cowering suspect .
Research on the Governance Characteristics of Companies with Baleful Accounting Changes
The overflow of baleful Internet information becomes one of the big problems puzzling the Internet development .
Baleful Internet Information control and its dilemma
Of rubbish mail put in , also be the contribution of baleful software .
If we did not have the baleful example of 2007-08 , this would already be a significant crisis .
He now thinks this influence was baleful .
There is nothing so baleful to a small man as the shade of a great one , particularly the great man of a city .
him ; round he throws his baleful eyes
The Florida eagles have a fierce baleful look .
Place effects , such as Abduct or Baleful Transposition , could also be used to dismount a rider .
It is commen to cause baleful aftereffect for the composite laminated thin-walled structures buckling failure in shear .
Radio communication management complies with two rules : new wireless technique can not bring baleful interference to known wireless systems , and the interfered system can bear all interferences from radios .
" Tried to sneak up on me ," he said . " tried to sneak up on me . " his eyes grew more baleful .
She has held a baleful influence over education in Mexico , taking advantage of rules which delegate to the union the hiring and promotion of teachers , as well as the payment of their salaries via opaque accounts .
These abhorrent baleful websites do not look to go out at all from the name what to have special , the piercing eye that is Sun Wu sky also does not have a law to differentiate beforehand .
The stored grains are usually subject to infraction from baleful biology such as insect , mildew and mouse , et al in the course of storing , but insects are the main jeopardy to provision-storage .
This takes Mr Obama some distance from the commonplace caricatures of only a couple of months ago . Then , even sympathetic observers were drawing baleful comparisons with the foreign policy calamities of Mr Carter 's presidency .
Further instructions include : " Prohibit carrying animals and the articles which disturb common sanitation ( including the peculiar smell of effluvium )" and a ban on " dangerous germs , pests and other baleful biology " .
Now , ere the sun advance his burning eye , the day to cheer and night 's dank dew to dry , I must up-fill this osier cage of ours with baleful weeds and precious-juiced flowers .
And it is not just the baleful presence of a vast , assertive and highly flexible censorship apparatus that accounts for this evolution : the formative forces of . cn also include cultural preferences and social structures that are very different from those of the west .