banner ads

美 [ˈbænər ædz]英 [ˈbænə(r) ædz]
  • n.(互联网上的)通栏广告, 横幅广告;网幅广告
  • banner ad的复数
banner adsbanner ads

banner ads


  • 1
    N-COUNT (网站上的)广告条(通常包含广告客户的网站链接)
    A banner ad is a large advertisement on a website that stretches across the top or down the side of the window. It usually contains a link to the advertiser's website.

  1. Already , it earns advertising revenue from banner ads and trailers on its website .


  2. Banner ads in various basic indicators index is only being a low score , but on the whole they reflects the present situation of travel website marketing competitiveness .


  3. These are the banner ads that appear on the screen .


  4. Basics of Network Banner Ads Design


  5. Banner ads suck - no one clicks on them .


  6. For instance , banner ads can be expensive .


  7. Fifty-seven percent of the study 's participants said they would prefer that their favorite news sites run banner ads over sponsored posts .


  8. On the design of the placement of the banner Ads , appropriate arrangements of the intruded pop-up window could draw more attention from users .


  9. It has 1.3m readers a month , with 60 per cent of its income coming from banner ads , display ads and sponsored campaigns .


  10. The firm now spends up to 100000 yuan a day on banner ads with Alibaba , as well as money on search optimisation and special promotion days ;


  11. Banner ads are tacky .


  12. These clips can be edited , enhanced , saved as a PDF or printed out , without excess banner ads or sidebars .


  13. Counting online video , banner ads , rich media , and sponsorships among the mix , eMarketer sees display growing at a faster pace than search advertising .


  14. With a limited budget that would have traditionally gone to pay for banner ads online , the advertisers took a more unusual , eye-catching , and disturbing route .


  15. Compare that to today , when only about 0.0004 percent of website visitors click on banner ads , and sending one to your friends is a good way to lose those friends .


  16. If you are selling banner ads online , as an example , and that industry tanks , you 'd be better off switching to a job selling pay per click ads early .


  17. While only around 1 in 10 people find banner ads or direct advertising to be trustworthy , fully 70 percent of those responding were likely to trust product reviews from peers .


  18. Flash Player as it exists now is well suited for graphics designers , simplifying how you create MovieClips , time lines , banner ads , and so on .


  19. If you look at the real estate available on a smartphone , its really sad compared to not just banner ads on the Web , but also to TV , print and outdoor advertising .


  20. Blazing with pop-up boxes and floating banner ads , Taobao is about as far away from the clean lines and uncluttered negative spaces of Google as could be imagined .


  21. Conversely , you also don 't want to have to wait until everything on the page has loaded all the images , banner ads , analytic code , and YouTube video previews before you can call jQuery code .


  22. They may be the bane of your online existence , but banner ads are essential in keeping the Internet humming along , providing revenue streams for all of those free websites you scramble to delete from your browser history .


  23. By using fuzzy measurement and statistical method , the netusers ' memory to the banner web ads they browsed or clicked were measured .


  24. Google 's iconoclasm was evident in all aspects of the company-from the absence of large banner , ads on its search page to the motorized scooters that employees rode inside headquarters .


  25. You can free use these free banner templates in your ads companies .


  26. Banner ad rotator displays alternating banner ads and includes an administration area with the ability to add , edit and delete banners from the rotation list .
