- n.锫(放射性化学元素)

It is evident in entries like francium , germanium , scandium , polonium , europium , californium , berkelium and americium .
The titanium atoms must be travelling fast enough in GSI 's particle accelerator to overcome the repulsion between their protons and those of the berkelium , yet slowly enough to avoid ripping the newly formed atom of element 119 apart before it has had time to settle down .
That will be a feather in GSI 's cap in its friendly competition with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , in California ( after which berkelium is named ) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna , Russia ( after which dubnium , number 105 , is named ) .
Such " transuranic " elements can , however , be made artificially by the fusion of lighter ones . And that is precisely what Dr Dullmann intends to do in the case of element 119 , by firing titanium atoms ( number 22 ) at those of berkelium ( 97 ) and hoping some of them merge .