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  • 网络百视通;百视通公司;百事通;百视通新媒体股份有限公司;百视通企业
  1. BesTV also offers a range of facilities including recording programmes and playing them later , video on demand , and capacity for up to 10,000 channels .


  2. With the French deal in the bag , BesTV is negotiating possible technology-sharing agreements in Vietnam , Malaysia and Singapore .


  3. Bestv , the company he heads , has developed technology that allows programmes streamed over the Internet to be shown on a simple household television set without the need for a personal computer .


  4. Netflix has held talks with Wasu Media Holding , an Internet company backed by Jack Ma , the executive chairman of Alibaba Group Holding , and BesTV New Media , a Shanghai-based media group , according to one person with knowledge of the discussions who spoke on the condition of anonymity .
